As the earth makes another round around the sun, I feel the pull to acknowledge the little, everyday things. Because they are little, they are not as noticeable, and less often appreciated.
But it is the little things that brought me to this place in time.
I remember and acknowledge the times when I not only went with the flow of life, but also the resiliency I had which braved me through strong winds. When the days were dark, I tried my best to live life with sincerity, following my own heart, and trusting in my own rhythm.
Despite being imperfect, I did not give up on becoming a better version of myself. I did my best to embrace every challenge with quiet strength, and receive each new learning with curiosity.
I am grateful for seeing beauty in the ordinary and feeling warmth in fleeting moments.
I am grateful to have learned that some days the most productive way forward is to pause and relax.